MImeSIS Project: Newsletter No. 2 has been released

By |2020-11-17T12:28:47+00:00November 17th, 2020|

Newsletter No. 2 of the Project MImeSIS “Smart, Sensored and Sustainable materials for historical buildings” has been released, which shows the strong dissemination activity carried out during the latest international and national "on air" events. Despite the difficulties encountered by the research during this period, the different parallel activities carried out by the Project partners [...]

LIFE SUPERHERO officially on the web

By |2020-11-13T15:22:54+00:00November 13th, 2020|

"Ventilated and permeable roofs for sustainability and energy efficiency": The Project EU LIFE SUPERHERO, coordinated by Centro Ceramico, is officially online. From today it is possible to find all the information concerning the progress of activities, news, events and much more at www.lifesuperhero.eu The website, in Italian and English, was developed according to the Directives [...]

Maria Chiara Bignozzi at SACMI Ceramic Innovation Forum

By |2020-11-06T10:22:06+00:00November 6th, 2020|

Maria Chiara Bignozzi, Director of Centro Ceramico and Professor in Materials Science and Technology at DICAM of the University of Bologna, will attend a round table together with Matteo Federici, General Manager of Tiles Division, SACMI and Massimo Iosa Ghini. The Conference will be held on Tuesday Nov. 10th the second day - dedicated to [...]

Ventilated and permeable roofs for the adaptation to climate change

By |2020-11-02T09:57:10+00:00November 2nd, 2020|

"The start of this new phase will be useful to make the extraordinary results obtained thanks to the Herotile project effective, which has shown that the pitched roof, breathable and in terracotta, has much higher performance than other types of roofing, in particular in the summer season", says Mario Cunial - Director of Research and [...]

Ceramics in BIM design

By |2021-03-01T14:36:37+00:00October 13th, 2020|

During SAIE 2020 in the Ceramic and Brick Area, the path will be promoted - established by Confindustria Ceramica in cooperation with Centro Ceramico and Logindex - for the digitization of the "ceramic tile product" in BIM. The Confindustria Ceramica guidelines for ceramic tiles, developed by a Working Group made up of associated Companies, Centro [...]

Project EU Life SUPERHERO launched at SAIE 2020

By |2020-10-21T13:08:49+00:00October 12th, 2020|

In the framework of the program of meetings and seminars scheduled during the 4-days fair, Confindustria Ceramica has organized the launch of the new Project EU Life SUPERHERO coordinated by Centro Ceramico. The conference, entitled "Sustainability and performance of energy efficient roofs", will be held on Friday Oct. 16th at 11:30 on the ground floor [...]

The Project TIMESAFE at SAIE 2020

By |2020-10-21T13:11:36+00:00October 12th, 2020|

On Friday Oct. 16th, from 9:30 to 13:00 at Stand B25 during SAIE 2020, the Conference on "Innovation in Emilia-Romagna Region - POR FESR Projects: results and future prospects" will be held, organized by Clust-ER Edilizia e Costruzioni. An overview of the different POR-FESR Projects in progress will be done, including TIMESAFE "Integrated and innovative [...]

Presentation of the Project MImeSIS at RemTech 2020

By |2020-09-24T10:11:22+00:00September 24th, 2020|

In the framework of the RemTech event (Sept. 21-25, 2020), a webinar is organized, specifically dedicated to MImeSIS Project "Smart, Sensored and Sustainable materials for historical buildings", of which Centro Ceramico is a partner. The event, which will be held on Sept. 25th, from 11:00 to 12:00, includes a presentation by Simone Bandini of CertiMaC, [...]

Presentation of the Project eBIM at RemTech 2020

By |2020-09-24T09:48:10+00:00September 21st, 2020|

In the framework of the RemTech event (Sept. 21-25, 2020), a webinar is organized, specifically dedicated to eBIM Project "existing Building Information Modeling for the management of existing building". It will be held on Sept. 24th, from 15:30 to 16:30. On behalf of Centro Ceramico, partner of the Project, Barbara Mazzanti will present the paper [...]

New Project EU “Life SUPERHERO” coordinated by Centro Ceramico

By |2020-07-23T15:05:10+00:00July 23rd, 2020|

The Project EU Life SUPERHERO (SUstainability and PERformances for HEROtile-based energy efficient roofs) has officially started. The aim of the project is to spread and encourage the use of the VPR - Ventilated and Permeable Roof as an effective solution for climate adaptation and mitigation, with strategic synergies to protect the environment. The Project is [...]